Pulping Machine Double Disc Refiner

For mills striving to optimize pulp quality and throughput, the RF Series Double Disc Refiner offers a cutting-edge solution. Designed by Leizhan Machinery, this double disc refiner combines advanced engineering with user-centric features to transform your refining process.

Technical Specifications of Double Disc Refiner

Model Disc Diameter (mm) Max Flow (L/Min) Max Power (kW)
RF20 20–24 2,400 315
RF26 26–30 4,500 500
RF34 34–38 9,000 900
RF42 42–48 16,000 1,700
RF52 52–58 22,000 3,000

The RF Series Double Disc Refiner supports a wide spectrum of raw materials, including challenging recycled fibers. Customizable refiner plates and adjustable operational parameters ensure tailored refining. Welcome to contact me for more details: leizhanworld@gmail.com