Paper Pulp Making Line For Living Paper Making Project Delievery Site

Hebei Baoding customer is a partner of our company  for many years. This time, a batch of pulping equipment for living paper project was added.
Hebei Baoding customer is an enterprise producing grey board paper, As the market changes, the customer decides to newly enter the production line of the tissue paper project.

This time added equipment included Chain Conveoyor, Hydrapulper, relief machine, Refiner and Agitaor.
The equipment have been delivered to Hebei on July 10. The equipment included relief machine, Refiner, Hydrapulper drive, Agitaor and a batch of matching accessories.

Our company is the Chinese advanced Leader & Manufacturer, specializing in Pulp & Paper industry, if you want to know more about our paper making equipment, you can send email to us.
